The world of work has changed dramatically over the last ten years. While your child’s future career may feel like a lifetime away, it may be worth considering the challenges they will have to compete with when they begin their working life. One of the most significant battles may be their ability to embrace technology. Understanding technology is a real advantage in the workplace, so is it ever too soon to introduce children to tech? We don’t think so.

How many times a day do you use technology? Checking social media, ordering a new pair of shoes from your favourite online store, planning a journey on Google maps, tracking your steps for the day on your mobile phone, listening to your favourite songs using Alexa, reading e-mails, playing your favourite puzzle game and Whatsapping your friends. The list is endless. And, it will likely be the same for your child, in and out of the workplace.
A study by the UK Government, in 2017, recognised the importance of children being confident in using technology safely. It also recommended that all children and teachers have access to technology to improve their skills.
No matter what career path your children choose, they will, at the very least, require some necessary tech skills. The European Commission confirmed in 2018 that 38% of UK workplaces expressed that when an employee lacked digital skills, this negatively impacted company performance. It’s also crucial to note that technology could help encourage more girls to pursue careers in STEAM industries, where they are currently very under-represented. Early education around technology promotes exposure to science, tech, engineering, art and maths. In turn, this presents future career options that talented girls with the power to change the world, may not have previously considered.

As the workplace becomes ever more competitive, there’s no time like the present to pave the way for your child and embrace technology. Technology is an integral part of creating a better future for all, and the next generation of children are the missing piece to this puzzle. Of course, moderation is essential when it comes to introducing children to technology, and you can check out our top tips for managing screen time here:
Whether we like it or not, technology is here to stay. By introducing technology to children, we can help them either survive or truly thrive in the world of work in the future.